Thrive through Studies and in Christian Community.

You want to grow and learn and thrive in community—and that's what we offer at The Presbyterian College, through the Bachelor of Theology (BTh). It is a four-year undergraduate degree program providing instruction in the history, theology, and cultural traditions of Christianity. This program equips students for critical thinking, encourages the development of personal faith, and supports your engagement of those from other traditions.

McGill and The Presbyterian College

The BTh is a degree program at McGill University, but you register for the program through The Presbyterian College. This means you pay your tuition fees through the College and participate in the community/worship life of the College. You will have all of the advantages of studying at a premier North American University, and also the support of the Christian community and friendship at the College. Minor Concentrations possible in Social Entrepreneurship, Psychology, Music, or other disciplines.

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A Worshipping and Praying Community

Theological study is about meaningfully intellectual engagement. But growth within our spiritual lives is also vital to our formation for ministry. Joining The Presbyterian College means being part of a warm community that prays together, offers praise together, and shares in meals together. Be transformed and equipped through study and praise and prayer and celebration together as the Body of Christ.

Academic Life

Studying at The Presbyterian College means studying alongside students in other programs in the School of Religious Studies at McGill University. It is a dynamic and rich opportunity to learn alongside those of other faith traditions. Professors are of the highest caliber, seeking the best for students both intellectually and in their formation for ministry.


Montreal is a beautiful and dynamic city in the Province of Quebec, Canada. At the heart of Montreal is the remarkable green space/park of Mount Royal—a beautiful place for walking, biking, and winter activities. Atop the mountain is its historic, illuminated cross. Montreal is an historic, liveable, fun place to live. A great place to study theology and pursue your Bachelor of Theology (BTh) or other theology degree.

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To learn more about the BTh and to read SIX KEYS for Faithful Study at University, fill this form.
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Established in 1865, we are a theological college offering core academic programs in affiliation with McGill University and the Montreal School of theology. We also offer French-language degree programs in affiliation with L’Université Laval and the Institut de Théologie pour la Francophonie.


The Presbyterian College, Montreal
3495 University Street
Montreal, QC
H3A 2A8