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Home > About Us > Policies

This page contains policies of The Presbyterian College, Montreal. Please note that in some instances the policies and procedures included here are policies of the Montreal School of Theology, which also serve for purposes of the college. Click the links for relevant documents.

Students, faculty, and members of the college community should become familiar with these. For any questions, speak with the administration of the college. Each policy document also indicates a member of the college administration who is responsible for its implementation.

The Presbyterian College, shaping transformational leaders for church and community since 1865.

The Presbyterian College

3495 University Street
Montreal, QC
H3A 2A8

Mon - Fri 9:00A.M. - 4:30P.M.
Summer: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

+1 514 288-5256
[email protected]

To submit a question or inquiry, click here.

In partnership with the Montreal School of Theology, McGill University, and the Institut de Théologie pour la Francophonie.

Core Programs

Bachelor of Theology Master of Divinity Master of Sacred Theology Maitrise en Étude Théologique Open Online Courses