Diploma in Ministry

Pursue your Diploma in Ministry within the worshipping community of The Presbyterian College
and be transformed through studies and friendship.

At present, this program is open only to Permanent Residents in Canada, Canadian citizens, and some US citizens who have a right to stay in Canada for a period of time.

The Diploma in Ministry is a one-year (30-credit) program that is designed to equip women and men for ministry within the church – with a clear focus on the practice and theology of pastoral ministry. The content of this program is equivalent to the third year of the M.Div. program at The Presbyterian College/Montreal School of Theology. It is a year of professional formation that builds competencies for ministry. Admission to this program usually requires prior theological study at the M.Div. level (or equivalent).

Who will take this program?

This program is usually pursued by students who have completed two years of advanced theological studies but are interested in completing a one-year, practical, and theological program oriented toward equipping them more fully for pastoral ministry.

Program Snapshot

  • Program of The Presbyterian College, with the Montreal School of Theology
  • 30-credit program in practical theology, ministry formation.
  • 1-year program based on full-time study
  • Online option, with limited residency
  • Admission requirement: Two years of study in theology at an advanced level.

Program Details

This program is equivalent to the third year of our Master of Divinity program and runs from September through April. The Diploma in Ministry is built on an action-reflection model, with 60% of the program in the classroom and 40% of the program in a ministry placement.

  • Supervised Field Placement — 12 credits
  • The Mission of the Church — 3 credits
  • Principles of Preaching — 3 credits
  • Education in the Church — 2 credits
  • Leadership in the Church — 2 credits
  • Pastoral Care — 2 credits
  • Denominational Studies — 6 credits

Intercultural Encounter

A key component of our program is the third-year intercultural encounter, which presently takes the form of a one-week study tour in Cuba. Taking place in early January, this trip will engage you meaningfully with the life of the church in Cuba, as well as its culture and history. For information on our partner organization, the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Matanzas, click here. This experience will help you to explore what it means that ministry and mission always contextual; shaped by particular languages, cultures, and histories. Our program is also developing a meaningful component oriented toward learning and dialogue with Indigenous communities in Canada

A Worshipping and Praying Community

Theological study is about meaningfully intellectual engagement. But growth within our spiritual lives is also vital to our formation for ministry. Joining The Presbyterian College means being part of a warm community that prays together, offers praise together, and shares in meals together. Be transformed and equipped through study and praise and prayer and celebration together as the Body of Christ. For more details on our community life, click here.

The Presbyterian College, shaping transformational leaders for church and community since 1865.

The Presbyterian College

3495 University Street
Montreal, QC
H3A 2A8

Mon - Fri 9:00A.M. - 4:30P.M.
Summer: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

+1 514 288-5256
[email protected]

To submit a question or inquiry, click here.

In partnership with the Montreal School of Theology, McGill University, and the Institut de Théologie pour la Francophonie.

Core Programs

Bachelor of Theology Master of Divinity Master of Sacred Theology Maitrise en Étude Théologique Open Online Courses