Partners in Education

The Presbyterian College has its life and programming today only through partnerships—with congregations, other colleges, community organizations, and denominational bodies. We are grateful for the way that our life is enriched through these ongoing relationships.

The Presbyterian College is a college constituted and supported by The Presbyterian Church in Canada, and we are immensely grateful for our heritage in this tradition. We are also grateful to Presbyterians Sharing, which provides significant funding to the college annually. As noted elsewhere on this site, our Board of Governors is also appointed annually by the General Assembly of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, and reports to the General Assembly.

Since its origins in 1865, The Presbyterian College has had a close relationship with McGill University. Most recently, our partnership with McGill is by way of formal agreements between McGill and the theological colleges of the Montreal School of Theology—agreements which date to 1948, 1969, and 2015 respectively. The most recent affiliation agreement of 2015 confirmed these partnerships for an additional 25-year period.

Our core English-language programs are offered in affiliation with the Montreal Diocesan Theological College and the United Theological College, with whom we share in the Montreal School of Theology. The Diocesan College (known as Dio) is an educational institution of the Anglican tradition, while UTC is affiliated with the United Church of Canada. The Montreal School of Theology, we may say, is the framework within which the three theological schools collaborate and offer the Master of Divinity program and the Diploma in Ministry.

In recent years we have launched new partnerships and degree programs in theological education, with both the Institut de Théologie pour la Francophonie and with L'Université Laval. With the former we have launched a Master of Theological Studies (Practical Theology) program, and with the latter we participate in the university's offer of the Maîtrise en théologie - avec mémoire, also in the area of Practical Theology. These programs are offered in French, and we are pleased to participate in this way in the formation of missional leaders for the Francophone context of Quebec.