All of our congregations are going through changes.  This group focuses on how those changes can be hope-filled seasons of transformation.  Rooted in the wisdom of the interim ministry network of the PC(USA), these gatherings allow participants to think about issues like:

  • the five projects of the interim season
  • helping congregations grieve with hope
  • what reactions to expect and how to manage them

The group will be facilitated by Rev. Jeremy Bellsmith. He is trained in the Art of Transitional Ministry, brings over 25 years of experience, and has helped 5 congregations move through transitional seasons.  We will be joined by Rev. Mitch Coggin, a PC(USA) Art of Transitional Ministry instructor, and teacher of the recent course at The Centre for Missional Leadership, St. Andrews Hall.  Mitch will be a resource throughout the 24 months we meet. Transitional seasons are opportunities.  Learn with us how to make the most of them.

We anticipate that this mentoring group will launch in late Fall 2022.

Please email us at [email protected] with any questions, or use the form below to register.

Transitional Ministry Registration - 2022

Transitional Ministry Registration - 2022

A form for those registering for the Transitional Ministry mentoring group. We will be in touch soon with more information!